Green Bond IV. Conclusion & Implications Four things to know about “Green Bond” What are Green Bonds? • Green bonds are fixed-income securities which dedicated only to projects with environmental
าดวยการใหความเห็นชอบผูจัดการกองทุนรวม อสังหาริมทรัพย) มีจํานวนบุคลากรที่มีความสามารถและทํางานเต็มเวลา (dedicated staff) เพียงพอทีจ่ะรองรับปริมาณธุรกรรมของ REIT - มีความพรอมดานระบบงานที่จะบริหาร
implementing its recycling growth strategy. Fibers IVL has restructured this segment into three market oriented verticals; Mobility, Hygiene and Lifestyle. Each vertical has a dedicated management team which is
bulking facilities Dedicated to eligible waste processing asset(s) downstream. Those downstream assets do not need to be certified but do need to meet the criteria for that asset type. All waste stored must
thematic approaches. Certain dedicated green/social/sustainability bond funds may also consider sustainability-linked bonds that reference relevant KPIs and SPTs even when these are not combined with a “use
impact alongside financial return (“Impact”) and; 4) screened strategies that incorporate BlackRock’s baseline screens (“Dedicated Screened”). Business Indicators
maintain an adequate cushion for NPL in the banking system. Overall Picture of the Bank and its Subsidiaries Million Baht Item Quarter Change (%) H1 Change 2/2019 1/2019 2/2018 1/2019 2/2018 2019 2018
line with the prudent approach of setting aside adequate provisioning expenses, the Bank’s total allowances for doubtful accounts amounted to Baht 147.2 billion, which will provide a cushion against any
continue to be major challenges. However, with a relatively high level of capital and the regular setting aside of additional provisions, commercial banks can still maintain an adequate cushion for NPL in
dropped from the same period of last year. At the same time, our robust capital position was sufficient to cushion against risk, and greater than the Bank of Thailand’s requirement. As evidenced, capital