(the debtor), at the price of 100,000,000.00 Baht. The total amount of purchase is 126,809,661.99 Baht. VON is a company incorporated under the Thai Law in the Energy Sector. The registered address is
subsidiary, V. O. Solar Company Limited (“V Solar”). The agreed purchase price is 26,809,661.99 Baht and a transfer of debt that IFEC, who is the creditor of 100,097,457.53 Baht, owed by VON (the debtor), at
broadcasting time, in which the debtor is unable to comply with the contract. The Company filed a lawsuit to the debtor at Thonburi Civil Court. The total amount of the lawsuit was Baht 3 2 3 ,2 9 6 ,0 7 7 .4 3
debt amount of 33.91 million baht, increased 207.89 million baht or 5.98% from the same period of last year due to estimated allowance from debtor not yet repaid, which the estimates are in accordance to
1.21 times due to higher sales. The collection period decreased from 82 days to 75 days. For a debtor with debt problem, the Company has set aside allowance for doubtful accounts. Inventory turnover
the agreement to buy air time management rights by the court, mediation or examination of the plaintiff on November 20, 2060. In another case, the debtor has defaulted the money from the management of
155.09 Million Baht, trade receivable and other debtor of 142.15 Million Baht (more external trade account receivable of 181.68 Million Baht and other debtor of 3.70 Million Baht thus decline in accrued
, in which the debtor is unable to comply with the contract. The Company filed a lawsuit to the debtor at Thonburi Civil Court. The total amount of the lawsuit was THB 323,296,077.43. The court now has a
in debt to the Company according to the purchase agreement to manage broadcasting time, in which the debtor is unable to comply with the contract. The Company filed a lawsuit to the debtor at Thonburi
for the securities business account receivable and accrued interests which unexpected to collect within the accounting period In the case of debtor occurring from the corruption of employee and a debtor