XXHP Xenamnoy 2 and Xekatam 1 Hydro Power Project PIC Progress Interchem Solar WVO & CO-OP โครงการผลติไฟฟ้าจากพลงังานแสงอาทติยแ์บบตดิตัง้บน พืน้ดนิ ส าหรบัหน่วยงานราชการและสหกรณ์ภาค การเกษตร DT Dau Tieng
Securities and Exchange Commission of Thailand (“SEC”) have agreed to develop a cooperative framework for cross-border offerings of funds between Hong Kong and Thailand, and signed the Memorandum of
with the cooperative framework under HK-TH MRF. List of the Notifications related to ASEAN CIS and ARFP are as follows: Inbound (ASEAN CIS & ARFP) The Notification of the Capital Market Supervisory
with the cooperative framework under HK-TH MRF. List of the Notifications related to ASEAN CIS and ARFP are as follows: Inbound (ASEAN CIS & ARFP) The Notification of the Capital Market Supervisory
connection, the Securities and Futures Commission of Hong Kong (“SFC”) and the Office of the Securities and Exchange Commission of Thailand (“SEC”) have agreed to develop a cooperative framework for cross
Securities and Exchange Commission of Thailand (“SEC”) have agreed to develop a cooperative framework for cross-border offerings of funds between Hong Kong and Thailand, and signed the Memorandum of
cooperative framework under HK-TH MRF. List of the Notifications related to ASEAN CIS and ARFP are as follows: Inbound (ASEAN CIS & ARFP) The Notification of the Capital Market Supervisory Board No. Tor Jor
) (1.3) Public utilities and services 41,399.0 40,535.7 863.3 2.1 Housing loans 23,684.5 22,839.7 844.8 3.7 Financial intermediation 53,398.8 54,858.4 (1,459.6) (2.7) Saving cooperative 10,780.0 11,100.0
เพิม่ขึน้ 4.4 ลำ้นกโิลวตัต-์ ชัว่โมง (+7%) จำกโครงกำร Solar Co-op (ก ำลงักำรผลติไฟฟ้ำตำมสญัญำ 12 เมกะวตัต์) ที่เปิดครบทัง้หมดในเดอืนมนีำคม 2560 ท ำให้โครงกำรในประเทศไทยมกี ำลงักำรผลติไฟฟ้ำตำมสญัญำรวมเพิม่ขึน้
Chain International (Lao) Company Limited entered into a cooperative agreement with Kasikornthai Bank Co., Ltd. for financial support for the construction of Kasemrad International Hospital Vientiane