Annual Report 2009 1 Annual Report 20092 Over the past year, the Thai economy experienced a recession for the first time since the Asian economic crisis in 1997. The first quarter saw a 7.1 percent contraction as a result of sluggish export in the midst of global financial crisis, diminishing demand of domestic private sector, and lack of confidence in economic and political directions. All these factors played out against a backdrop of weakening economies of our trade partners worldwide, which...
States of America are still the major market and consistent growth including marketing activities for the purpose of “Taokaenoi” brand recognition and consistency increase the new market. Gross Margin: the
ความลับของ กองทุนรวม (3.7) ระบบในการควบคุมดูแลการกำหนดมูลค่าทรัพย์สินต่างๆ ที่กองทุนรวมลงทุน ให้เป็นไปตามหลักความยุติธรรมและความสม่ำเสมอ (fairness and consistency) สำหรับทุกกองทุนรวมที่ตนเป็นผู้ดูแลผล
publications) 2 What has the firm taken into account when network requirements or professional publications need to be adapted or supplemented in order to, for example, implement consistency, comply with
Notification of Standard Conduct in the part concerning the effectiveness and consistency of the information system in the following matters: (1) governance of enterprise information technology in accordance
Notification of Standard Conduct in the part concerning the effectiveness and consistency of the information system in the following matters: (1) governance of enterprise information technology in accordance
Notification of Standard Conduct in the part concerning the effectiveness and consistency of the information system in the following matters: (1) governance of enterprise information technology in accordance
amendment of the Articles of Association of the Company was made to ensure consistency with the Public Limited Companies Act (No. 2) B.E. 2544 (2001) in relation to amendment of matters which allow public
proposal for amendment of the Articles of Association of the Company was made to ensure consistency with the Public Limited Companies Act (No. 2) B.E. 2544 (2001) in relation to amendment of matters which
ทราบขอ้เทจ็จริง เก่ียวกบัลูกคา้ (3) ระบบในการก าหนดมูลค่าทรัพยสิ์นต่างๆ ของกองทรัสตใ์หเ้ป็นไป ตามหลกัความยติุธรรมและความสม ่าเสมอ (fairness and consistency) ตาม มาตรฐานสากล รวมทั้งระบบในการค านวณมูลค่า