Seamico Securities Plc. (ZMICO), a client filed a complaint that securities in her account had been lost and the SEC?s investigation revealed that Pimon had made unauthorized sales of securities in such
securities of his client without authorization. His misconduct caused his client more than one million baht in damage. The interference with the client?s assets contravened the Standards of Conduct under
with a client?s assets and dishonest acts. Also, a one-year probation was imposed on Surawadee Sriprasert on account of using a client?s account to avoid over credit line limit of another client, and the
regulations of all daily routines. In addition, the know your client rule must be adopted to identify the client?s investment objectives and actual beneficial owners. Informing clients of risks that may arise
from the clients? trading accounts, using a client?s account for securities trading of another client to avoid exceeding credit limit, and making unauthorized trading decisions without clients? orders
intermediary shall provide services by taking into account the best interests of a client , protection of client ’s interests, and preventing the causes of damage to investors and appearance of Thai capital
client, client suitability, information disclosure, and clear and fair contract rules are all required. This is to assure that all derivatives fund managers will have the same minimum standards in
subscription order of a client without contacting or giving advice to the client. She admitted having done so without providing details on the fund to the client. The SEC has therefore imposed a 40-day
without contacting or giving advice to a client. The suspension resulted from his failure to perform duties or not providing services honestly.Following a report on client's complaint filed by Siam
. (Acceptance and Continuance of Client Relationships and Specific Engagements) 5. (Resources) 6. (Engagement Performance) 7. (Information and Communication) 8. (Monitoring and Remediation Process)