expenses and employee expense from business segment expansion. Summary of Financial Statement of Positions 30-Jun-18 31-Dec-17 Change %Change Assets Cash and Cash Equivalents 17.8 6.0 11.7 194.4% Trade and
18.6percent. This was because incurred employee remuneration expenses in subsidiary. Summary of Financial Statement of Positions 30-Sep-19 31-Dec-18 Change %Change Assets Cash and Cash Equivalents 10.3 21.4
1.9% (28.5%) Consolidated financial information (Unit : Million Baht) For three-month period ended 30 Sep Change % Change 2 / 6 Operating results by business for the three-month period ended 30
. Revenues (Thousands Baht) Year Change 4th Quarter Change Amount % Amount % Revenue from sales 1,566,147 1,477,687 88,461 5.99% 437,506 371,485 66,021 17.77% Other income 19,457 14,472 4,985 34.45% 6,968
Revenues Consolidated (Thousands Baht) Year Change 4th Quarter Change 2018 2017 Amount % 2018 2017 Amount % Revenue from sales 1,540,078 1,566,147 -26,069 -1.66% 371,532 437,506 -65,974 -15.08% Other income
CONSTRUCTION EXECUTIVE SUMMARY EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 2 Q1’19 Q4’19 Q1’20 change change Btmn Btmn Btmn y-on-y q-on-q Sales and service income 10,257 11,258 11,223 9.4% (0.3%) EBITDA* 2,413 2,938 3,278 35.8% 11.6% Net
. Thus, the details of the Company group can be described as follows: Management Discussion and Analysis, Q2/2019 Page2/4 Summary of Income Statement Unit: Million Q2/2018 Q2/2019 Change % Change 6M/2018
% Income tax expense 1.17 2.41 (1.24) -51.4% Profit for the quarter 17.47 24.30 (6.83) -28.1% 3.9% 6.0% Consolidated financial information (Unit : Million Baht) 3 Months Change % Change 2 / 3 Operating
) 1 (1) Profit for the quarter 9 17 (8) 2.5% 3.9% Consolidated financial information (Unit : Million Baht) 3 Months Change % Change 2 / 3 Operating results by business for the three-month period ended
businesses since we focus on expanding customer base with business expertise • Overall gross profit margin increased from 9.8% to 11.3% amount Baht 45 million. 2019 2018 Change % Change Revenue 1,839 1,673 167