signal to the company. In either case the reason for the decision should be properly communicated to the company. Where an institutional investor chooses not to vote in specific circumstances, or in
no predetermined repayment schedule. The repayment schedule is a bullet payment upon the dissolution of the Company or upon the exercise of the issuer’ s call option as stipulated in the agreement. The
any coal industry experience. Questions were raised primarily by just two investors—the New York City Comptroller and CalPERS. An investor protest can signal serious issues that a board needs to address
รัง้เดยีวเมือ่หุน้กูค้รบก าหนด (Bullet) ทยอยช าระคนื เงนิตน้ แบบก าหนดตารางการช าระคนืลว่งหนา้ (Amortizing) ทยอยช าระคนืเงนิตน้ตามกระแสเงนิสดทีม่ ีโดยไมก่ าหนดตาราง การช าระคนืลว่งหนา้ (Passthrough) หรอื
has also prompted the Federal Reserve and other major central banks to signal that no more rate hikes will be seen over the remainder of this year. In Thailand, most major economic indicators were on
แปลงไป • สั่ญญาณข้องภาวะต้ลาด (market signal) ทุ่ไม่แน่นอน • ต้้นทุุนข้องปัจจัย์การผู้ลิต้ทุ่ส่้งข้ึน • ความต้้องการส่ินค้าและบริการลดลง เน่องจากความต้้องการห้ร่อความพื่อใจ ข้องผู้้้บริโภคเปล่ย์นแปลงไป
business expansion. Category of Securities : All types of debentures including sub-ordinated debentures, not sub- ordinated debentures, amortizing debentures, bullet debentures, secured debentures, unsecured
/or use in the business expansion. Category of Securities : All types of debentures including sub-ordinated debentures, not sub- ordinated debentures, amortizing debentures, bullet debentures, secured
and the eruption of an oil price war between Saudi Arabia and Russia, there were rising fears that the economy would plunge into deep recession – a signal of an imminent economic crisis. Given this
supervise and review work of senior and junior level. On the other hand, should these ratios significantly decrease while the firm hold the same or even higher number of engagements, it may be the signal