This is according to the news this morning stating about shares sold by mutual funds due to huge redemption of investment units. Mr. Thirachai Phuvanat naranubala, SEC Secretary-General stated
of OKEA with the total value of which is not more than NOK 939 million (or approximately THB 3,760 million1). Finally, BCPR will hold approximately 45% of total OKEA shares. 2. OKEA will use the
same year in 2022.” Hosting the IOSCO Annual Meeting will bring about multifold benefits to the capital market and Thailand. For example, the SEC will have another forum to demonstrate its capacity
revenue generation through new shopping malls, enhancement of existing malls, as well as efficient cost management. CPN currently manages 32 shopping malls with the net leasable area (NLA) of approximately
consumption remained subdued amid concerns about the ongoing Omicron outbreak and rising inflation. The demand from the traveler segment also remained soft albeit slight increase in tourist arrivals. These have
be started to construct in February 2018 and it is likely to be completed and will be officially opened around the 4th quarter 2018 and the construction is supposed to build 3 floors and have useful
be started to construct in February 2018 and it is likely to be completed and will be officially opened around the 4th quarter 2018 and the construction is supposed to build 3 floors and have useful
license is expected to commence around 4Q20. 3. In 3Q19, AIS entered into two settlements with TOT on tower dispute and equipment rental. Effectively, net cost of tower rental was reduced by Bt100mn per
Bt1,097.1 million, representing an Bt1.52 earnings per share. Approximately of 87% of the Net profit was derived from Aviation refueling services business and around 13% was derived from Fuel pipeline
occupancy rate is about 96%) 7. Acquisition Price : 118.9 million U.S Dollar or approximately 3,950 million baht (off-market bid price) 8. Purpose : For rent. 9. Total transaction size : 3.69% of total asset