Jitta Wealth Asset Mannagement C Between March 1, 2023 and May 11, 2023, Jitta Wealth Asset Mannagement Co.,Ltd, a fund management company, it has assigned person who are not person in the capital
appoint it to act as securities broker. For the purpose of fairness to the parties, the SEC may specify any particulars which are material to the agreement.
appoint it to act as securities broker. For the purpose of fairness to the parties, the SEC may specify any particulars which are material to the agreement.
Fixed income funds are steadily growing with more diversified investment portfolios. As of the end of 2018, net assets value of fixed income funds was approximately 2.6 trillion baht, most of
submission of information disclosure forms or any documents for SEC’s consideration. Eligible social enterprises are those registered with the Office of Social Enterprise Promotion. Social enterprises
Measures for preventing conflicts of interest are an important part of the SEC policy especially in the process of securities issuance and offering, which involves participation of key
The material events in the proposed rules are those already specified and currently required by the Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET) to be reported by listed companies. The proposed rules would allow
At present, money market funds are used by investors as a tool to manage liquidity and a place to park money for a short time, besides keeping it in banking accounts. As of February 2018, the size of
Nowadays, private fund operators are required to separate investors’ assets from the companies and there are measures to protect investors’ assets for other benefits. Private fund operators also
The Ministerial Regulation on Revenue Tax Exemption granting tax privileges to SSFs and the Notification of the Director-General of the Revenue Department providing detailed rules are published in