regional logistic hub. But to achieve this goal, we need all parties to pitch in,? added SEC Secretary-General Vorapol. -------------------
to improve their supervision and surveillance capabilities. This training will ensure the Thai market remains even with international counterparts; with a primary goal of preventing negative impact on
to improve their supervision and surveillance capabilities. This training will ensure the Thai market remains even with international counterparts; with a primary goal of preventing negative impact on
According to the SEC Strategic Plan, the goal of building competitiveness can be achieved through standard rules and regulations. In this regard, the regulatory guillotine scheme,* which focuses
learn of financial planning, which will enable them to achieve their live goal and financial stability.Vorapol Socatiyanurak, SEC Secretary-General, said the SEC launched ?FL in Workplace? to promote
interested parties in the industry. SEC Thailand Secretary-General Ruenvadee Suwanmongkol said, “Developing a sustainable capital market is always a priority for the SEC Thailand. To achieve this goal, it is
regulating and enforcing laws to protect investors. Simultaneously, it encompasses the development of various market aspects, particularly market accessibility for wider ranges of Thai population. The goal
-budgetVSactual-strategy-2563-q4.pdf sec-budget-2563-strategy.pdf ต่ำงจงัหวดัอยำ่งนอ้ย 2 คร้ัง/ปี - website ท่ีเป็น platform รวบรวมขอ้มูลท่ีเป็นประโยชน์แก่ SMEs เช่น กำรระดมทุนในรูปแบบต่ำงๆ Goal แข่งได้
-budgetVSactual-strategy-2563-q4.pdf sec-budget-2563-strategy.pdf ต่ำงจงัหวดัอยำ่งนอ้ย 2 คร้ัง/ปี - website ท่ีเป็น platform รวบรวมขอ้มูลท่ีเป็นประโยชน์แก่ SMEs เช่น กำรระดมทุนในรูปแบบต่ำงๆ Goal แข่งได้
with the property investigation. Progress Report of Business Plan for first quarter of the year 2019 ended March 31, 2019 The management has strongly set its goal to grow sustainably. We would like https