Connected Transaction (the extend period for granted financial assistance) (Revised) To: The President The Stock Exchange of Thailand G J Steel Public Company Limited (“the Company”) would like to report
evaluation by the SEC Office regarding the management of the operational risk and the customer relationship risk not higher than the medium level or in an acceptable level, unless granted an exemption from the
appropriate, and provided that the SEC Office has granted a waiver, to be prepared in any other language. Division 2 Announcement of Examination Results and Disclosure on List of Units of Foreign ETF
granted the license or is in the process of applying for the derivatives clearing house license from the Securities and Exchange Commission. Clause 5 The applicant for the derivatives exchange license shall
, unless permission has been granted by the Office to open or close its office at any other hours or days.
, unless permission has been granted by the Office to open or close its office at any other hours or days.
Mr.Anugul Khumgerd Mr.Anukul Khumgerd, jointly with other alleged persons, operated mutual fund management in Thailand under the name of "Standard Morgan" without proper licenses granted
proper licenses granted, violating Section 90 of the Securities and Exchange Act B.E.2535. The Criminal Court dismissed the case. SEC Act S.90 Criminal Complaint Filed with an Inquiry Official Dated 31
"Antella Investment" without proper licenses granted. SEC Act S.90 Criminal Complaint Filed with an Inquiry Official Dated 05/06/2001
Mr. Suwat Eiewaksorn Mr. Suwat Eiewaksorn conspired with other alleged persons to operate derivatives broker businesses in Thailand without proper licenses granted. Such action was deemed a