) Partial Hedging, (3) Dynamic Hedging, and (4) No Hedging. Any funds without full hedging policy must disclose, on the first page of prospectus summary, a warning statement about possible exposure to forex
to combat fraudulent activities and protect the public from further harm and loss.From left : (1) Budsara Trithipcharoenchai, Senior Executive Vice President of Capital Market Development Fund, (2
systems which may cause serious damage to the benefit of the people. SEC Act S.133 paragraph 1 and 133 paragraph 2 Settlement Committee Meeting No. 2/2020 Settlement Committee Order No. 8/2020 Dated 13
which may cause serious damage to the benefit of the people. SEC Act S.117 133 paragraph 2 and 136 Settlement Committee Meeting No. 2/2020 Settlement Committee Order No. 8/2020 Dated 13/03/2020
Asia Wealth Securities Public Company Limited Between June 4, 2020 and May 31, 2021 Asia Wealth Securities Public Company Limited, as a securities broker, engaged in an act which may cause damage or
;BX") transferred digital assets of its customers which possessed by BX to other digital wallets that did not for holding customers’ digital assets. Such action causes damage to other persons. This
), misappropriated PPPC's money to invest in and pay off debts of the companies over which he had full control for his own benefit, causing damage to PPPC's property, violating Section 307, 308 & 311
executives of Circuit Electronics Industries Plc. (“CIRKIT”), in misappropriating company assets or obtaining unlawful gains for themselves or other persons, thereby causing damage to CIRKIT. the public
of general meeting be sent 21 days before the meeting? 5 Can shareholders hold Mr. James liable for the damage the transaction caused to Buyer? 10 ในราคาที่สูงกว่าราคาตลาดและเป็นผลให้บริษัทได้รับความ
คล่องสุทธิ (“NC”) หรืออัตราส่วนเงินกองทุนสภาพคล่องสุทธิ (“NCR”) เท่ากับหรือน้อยกว่า 1.5 เท่าของเกณฑ์ขั้นต่ำ (เป็นระดับ early warning เท่ากับ 10.5% หรือ 37.5 ล้านบาท กรณีประกอบธุรกิจหลักทรัพย์และเป็นตัวแทน