. Hence, this commitment is reasonable and find a purpose the best benefits of us. The rental rates unchanged. This makes the expense of the same. Please be acknowledged for your information Yours Sincerely
companies's group for transferring to customers. Hence, this commitment is reasonable and find a purpose the best benefits of us. The rental rates unchanged. This makes the expense of the same. Please be
transferring to customers. Hence, this commitment is reasonable and find a purpose the best benefits of us. The rental rates unchanged. This makes the expense of the same. Please be acknowledged for your
reduce in value, although the net profits remain unchanged. Revenue from Sales The company has revenue from sales in the third quarter in the amount of 1,267.6 million Baht decreased by 12.8 percent
/2019 (3.43%). • The selling expenses of Q1/2020 is much lower due to cutting of unnecessary expenses. However, the administration expenses are almost unchanged because of fixed expenses such as salaries
patients. Administrative Expenses Administrative expenses were unchanged yoy. Earnings before interest, taxes and depreciation (“EBITDA”) EBITDA (not included other income) deteriorated by both in term of
a period-on-period basis was attributable to the Company has some fixed costs that unchanged irrespective of the revenue. Other Income The other income amounted to Baht 11.43 million and Baht 10.74
to February 2019. For fatty alcohols market, natural fatty alcohols was being more competitive to synthetic fatty alcohols due to its price attractive as CPKO price which is the feedstocks to produce
บการซือ้คอลออปชั่นหรือพุทออปชั่นได้เนื่องจาก พอร์ตโฟลิโอจะให้มูลค่าเท่ากบัมลูค่าคอลออปชัน่และมลูค่าพทุออปชัน่ (Synthetic Call Option/Put Option)ภายใต้ข้อ สมมตุิฐานตลาดที่ปราศจากการเก็งก าไรแบบไร้ความเสีย่งด
จำกรำคำทีป่รับตัวลงมำต ่ำกวำ่ผลติภณัฑท์ดแทนอยำ่งแฟตตีแ้อล กอฮอลสส์ังเครำะห ์(Synthetic Fatty Alcohols) ประกอบกับอุปทำนทีค่่อนขำ้งตงึตัวโดยเฉพำะใน ประเทศจีนและอนิเดยีทีล่ดก ำลังกำรผลติลงเนื่องจำกควำม