following table. (Unit: Million Baht) Q2/2016 Q2/2017 Y-O-Y Change Increase/(Decrease) Note Sales Revenue 213.2 196.4 (7.9%) The company's sales revenue for Q2/2017 was THB 196.4 mn and classified from the
recognition of gain on settle Interest Rate SWAP of bank loan in Q2/2018. Page 9 CWF: Unit : Million Baht Quarter 2 Change Increase (Decrease) 2019 2018 Amount % Electricity revenue 205 167 38 23% Other income
Summary of operations and the factors that make a significant change Summary of Operations for the Year 2019 Topic Annual Balance Change 2019 2018 2019 VS 2018 (MB) (MB) % Total Revenue 7,076.7 4,237.6
derives in Philippines. Details are as follow: Buyer (Remained No Change) Cal-Comp Electronics (Philippines) Inc. (“CCPH”), a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company Seller (Remained No Change) Kinpo
PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED Disclosure Business News ( 4 record(s) found) Date Time Heading Link 17/08/2020 18:07 Notification of the Resolutions of the Board of Directors Approving Change of Interim Dividend
increase of THB 653 million, due to the appreciating THB, resulting of the change in foreign exchange of trade account payable and foreign currency loans. 8. Losses from impairment asset THB 1,518 million
of 2017. The change was due to the decreased lease receivable, calculated according to the Effective Interest Method. Management Discussion and Analysis For the Three-month and Six-month Periods Ended
electricity consumption behavior change, influenced by disruptive technology. The objectives of the new PDP aim to strengthen security of power supply for each region, maintain appropriate costs of power
Price’ or ‘Hidden Price’ In capital expenditure decision process on direct and indirect greenhouse gas reduction projects “โลกเราต้องรักษ์” Swap & Go (Battery Swap) หัวข้อการบรรยาย • นโยบายและแนว ทางการด
ใหเ้ป็นปี ค.ศ.เทา่นัน้ ชดุ Currency code สากล YYYYMMDD โดยบันทกึปีใหเ้ป็นปี ค.ศ.เทา่นัน้ 3/71 Sheet "Swap Feature" Swap Feature Header No. Field name Description Format Not null Possible value Remark 1