sector), in replacement of Mr. Apirak Kosayodhin. In appointing SET directors, the SEC selected qualified experts from the list nominated by the Nominating Committee, in accordance with the SEC?s
that has not covered the enforcement of investors’ rights as determined in the filing and prospectus. Other mechanisms equivalent can be used in replacement. For example, obligations or document with
holders or warrant substitute holders will receive once they exercise their rights under warrant or warrant substitute. However, currently the Company is not able to calculate the right adjustment ratio of
described hereinafter shall not subordinate any returns, which the warrant holders or warrant substitute holders will receive once they exercise their rights under warrant or warrant substitute. However
the warrant holders or warrant substitute holders will receive once they exercise their rights under warrant or warrant substitute. 9 However, currently the Company is not able to calculate the right
Yourcash function as an alternative to provide convenience and flexibility for AEON customers. AEON customers can withdraw cash via the AEON Thai Mobile Application by scan a QR code to withdraw cash through
production of the company can substitute the import HRC. - As the above reasons, the Company believe that with the new working capital injected to the Company and lower debts (partly are converted to equity
state-of-art steel mill and the production of the company can substitute the import HRC. - As the above reasons, the Company believe that with the new working capital injected to the Company and lower
substitute) โดยขายใหกับผูลงทุนที่เปนผูฝากเงินผานสาขาธนาคาร ผูลงทุนจึงอาจเขาใจผิดคิดวาเปนสินคาที่มีความเสี่ยงต่ํา ซึ่งหากผูลงทุนที่ไมเขาใจในลักษณะความเสี่ยงของ กอง term fund เกิดสูญเสียเงินลงทุนจํา
export value equaled to THB 111,540 million mainly from higher export to China since higher demand of chicken meat consumption to substitute lower supply of pork from disease outbreak. Overall chicken