limiting the reviewing scope by the PLE management and not complying with the generally accepted accounting principles. Moreover, the exclusion of Techner?s interim financial statements from those of
. CL failed to supervise the performance of the freelancer in accordance with the assigned scope of work. In addition, CL did not inform the SEC about the outsourcing. SEC Act S.100 in conjunction
the SEC office on March 19, 2021 and the auditor is limited its scope of the review or audit by the GL’s executives of the securities issuer for that the financial statement that caused MD&A for Q3
statements with the following notes:(1) the auditor?s scope was limited by GSTEEL and GJS management on the issues of loan approval and the machinery purchases to offset certain debtor?s default; (2) the
Bangkok, March 27, 2012 ? The SEC directs Pan Asia Footwear Plc. ("PAF") to rectify its financial statements for Q3/2011 and year 2011 due to the company ' s management imposed scope limitation and
shall comply with the regulations under Chapter 7; (8) capital market product trading service with limited discretion according to clients’ pre-determined investment scope shall comply with the
shall comply with the regulations under Chapter 7; (8) capital market product trading service with limited discretion according to clients’ pre-determined investment scope shall comply with the
shall comply with the regulations under Chapter 7; (8) capital market product trading service with limited discretion according to clients’ pre-determined investment scope shall comply with the
from derivatives for clients; “member of fund investment committee” means a member of a committee which is appointed or assigned by a fund management company to consider and determine the scope of
network to render services within the scope of the license as specified by the NBTC. A preliminary investment budget for provisioning of 5G service in key area is approximately Baht 10-15 billion within the