” ) No. 4/2020, which was held on May 13, 2020 at 15.00 hours, has considered and resolved to acknowledge the renewal of the Building Lease Agreements with JKN Landmark Co., Ltd., who is considered as the
from the calendar year obtained an approval from the Office; (2) submit to the Office a renewal application at least thirty days prior to the expiry date of the approval in the form and procedure
this is a transaction that supports normal business, the Board of Directors therefore delegated the authority to the Management for contact renewal in the future, provided that the Management shall
Directors and the Audit Committee. In addition, since this is a transaction that supports normal business, the Board of Directors therefore delegated the authority to the Management for contact renewal in the
this is a transaction that supports normal business, the Board of Directors therefore delegated the authority to the Management for contact renewal in the future, provided that the Management shall
standards of conduct shall be Baht 250,000 per application. Application for renewal of approval under the first paragraph shall be Baht 250,000 per application.” Clause 3. This Notification shall come into
the Office a renewal application at least thirty days prior to the expiry date of the approval in the form and procedure provided in the Office’s electronic work system along with evidence or reference
which will expire by December 31, 2012, the suspension period shall therefore remain until then and the SEC will not consider his renewal application for another six months. The SEC also publicly
until then and the SEC will not consider his renewal application for another six months. The SEC also publicly reprimanded {B} for his inappropriate behaviors in performing duties as an investment
per year, streamline the consideration process for renewal of approval for appraisal companies and appraisers from 90 days to 7 days (as specified in the Licensing Manual for the Public). The