and new regulations imposed by the Department of Royal Forest of 48.80MB. Finance costs increased by 15.93MB and 54.12MB in 3Q 2018 and 9M 2018, respectively, mainly from energy projects of the
has 141 rooms. Revenue recognition is 113 rooms. There are 28 units waiting to be recognized, while the phase 2 is under construction. Forest Patong Project, Phuket Province is under the company Which
Organization, recommends that the private sectors and various organizations allocate a budget for communities around the forest zones to conserve and care for the forests while preventing and alleviating
Transportation Materials and buildings Agriculture, food and forest products TCFD RECOMMENDATIONS & PRINCIPLES FOR EFFECTIVE DISCLOSURE 6 TCFD, Final Report: Recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-related
cooperates with the Department of Royal Forest (“RFD”) to forestry restoration compensation after the cessation zinc operation as stipulated by law and new regulations imposed by RFD. In 2019, it needs to be
high-emitting activities — a prerequisite to phasing out high-emitting assets — as well as nature-based solutions and carbon removal technologies. Deforestation This refers to the loss of natural forest
million increased by 551.3% compared to a net loss of Baht 2.69 million from the same period of previous year. The company cooperates with the Department of Royal Forest (“RFD”) to forestry restoration
อาท ิการสนบัสนุนสนิเชือ่ใหแ้ก่ผูป้ระกอบการ ทีแ่ปรรูป NR โดยรฐับาลจะชดเชยดอกเบี้ยให้แก่ผู้ประกอบการทีส่มคัรเข้าร่วม โครงการไม่เกนิร้อยละ 3.0 ตลอดจนการส่งเสรมิการจดัการสวนยางยัง่ยนืตาม มาตรฐาน FSC (Forest
Cashew Nut and Frozen & Chilled products. The sales of Industry Products comparing with the previous year decreased Baht 30 million or 4.4 percent, mainly from potato starch, egg powder, wheat flour and
Cashew nut and Frozen & Chilled. - The sales income from Industry Products was recorded a decrease of Baht 20 million or 4 percent, mainly driven by a decrease of the high competitive product items in the