and truly help boost working efficiency. For back office staff, additional knowledge on new financial instruments, risk management and regulations are needed for the staff to cope with dynamically
Governance Practice, has secured funding from various sources and is providing other technical assistance to boost capacity building efforts. These efforts are in line with the AARG's on-going work to achieve
informed and to pay attention to the importance of personal data protection in order to boost public confidence and trustworthiness in Thai capital market. In addition, SEC has prepared our organization
of Opportunity Booth at BOI Fair, in cooperation with the Stock Exchange of Thailand and the Investment Banking Club (IB Club). The joint campaign features a seminar on ?How to Boost Business Growth
businesses and investors, preparing a set of common offering rules classified by risk and complexity levels of products to boost flexibility in offering new products and services, and introducing a new
sales. • Gross profit margin in Q1/2020 dropped by 2.9% from Q1/2019 mainly from waste of expired stocks as a result of the immediate shutdown of shopping malls and the discount offered to boost sales in
customer base while also preparing to accommodate new clients this year. Moreover, there was an additional depreciation calculated by the investment in assets used in production to boost efficiency and
additional depreciation calculated by the investment in assets used in production to boost efficiency and reduce production costs in the long run. - Net profit according to the financial statement decreased by
boost efficiency and reduce production costs in the long run. - Net profit according to the financial statement decreased by Baht 16.45 million, in Q2’22; and increased by Baht 1.73 million, in the six
targeted. In the 3 and 4 quarters, the bad debt portfolio which fully amortized the investment value will boost up the growth rate of revenues. Cost of Services The Company incurred service costs for the