. When considering the financial statements 2016 in which the equity method is applied compared to prior year. The gross profit was increased from 7.82% to 8.57%, the net profit margin was increased from
continued improvement in plant efficiency. • EBITDA margin increased y-on-y to 28.6% in Q2’2020 and 28.9% in 6M’2020 from 1) ABP5 and BPWHA1 improving heat rate after gas turbine upgrade in July 2019 and
% in previous year to 26.43% due to change in product sales mix of general merchandise and the enhancement of directly sourced private-label goods’ profit margin, as well as the continuous efficiency
ABP3 และ ABP5 ที่ลดลงหลังจากการ upgrade เครื่องผลิตไฟฟ้ากังหนัก๊าซ ในเดือน ธ .ค. 2561 - ม.ค. 2562 และเดอืน ก.ค. 2562 ตามล าดบั และ 3) ผลการด าเนินงานของ โครงการผลติไฟฟ้าพลงังานแสงอาทติย์ ในประเทศเวยีดนาม
เกณฑท์ัง้สิน้ เพื่อเร่งขยายผลประโยชน์จากการปรบัปรุงประสทิธภิาพนี้ ABP5 จะ ด าเนินการ upgrade เครื่องผลติไฟฟ้ากงัหนัก๊าซตามสญัญาดังกล่าว กบัซเีมนสใ์นช่วง Q3’2562 นี้ ควำมคืบหน้ำกำรพฒันำโรงไฟฟ้ำใหม่ทดแทนโรงไฟ
Office. Clause 10. The securities companies are allowed to upgrade its online branch office to full-service branch office provided that on the date the securities company upgrades its branch, it meets the
Office. Clause 10. The securities companies are allowed to upgrade its online branch office to full-service branch office provided that on the date the securities company upgrades its branch, it meets the
upgrade its online branch office to full-service branch office provided that on the date the securities company upgrades its branch, it meets the qualification as specified in Clause 4 and notify the
the date the branch office starts its operation in accordance with the format set out in an electronic system of the Office. Clause 10. The derivatives brokers are allowed to upgrade its online branch
the date the branch office starts its operation in accordance with the format set out in an electronic system of the Office. Clause 10. The derivatives brokers are allowed to upgrade its online branch