actions that maybe detrimental to the general public, or capital level lower than regulatory minimum requirement. These also include cases where financial institutions are placed in the control of the
generated total revenues of 1,093 million Baht; or decreasing by 49% as compared to the total revenues in Q3 2017 of 2,132 million Baht. This was mainly due to the increase in revenue from sales of the
the mark for another year in 2006, further strengthening the robustness of market infrastructure. Though affected by unexpected incidents late in the year, the market managed to recover and the stock
to owners of the parent of THB 4,393 million (+14% YoY), or earning per shares of 3.19 THB. For Q3/2017, the company and its subsidiaries recorded revenue from sales of goods and rendering of services
growth or Available Seat Kilometers (ASK) rose 3.9 percent which was also lower than the previous year. (6.0 percent growth in January-September 2018) Asia Pacific ranked as the top with 5.1 percent growth
following by Europe and Latin America, accounting for 8.2 and 7.0 respectively. On the other hands, worldwide capacity growth or Available seat kilometers (ASK) rose 6.3 percent on average. Again, Asia
เนินการโดยใชความรู ความสามารถ ความระมัดระวัง ทําให บรรลุตามภาระกิจและวัตถุประสงคที่กําหนด โดยตองพิจารณาถึงองคประกอบอยางนอยดังตอไปนี้ I. สภาพแวดลอมการควบคุม (Control Environment) วัตถุประสงค ผู
properly in accordance with GAAP Materiality and Significant • Materiality relates to the amount that would influence the lending or investing decisions of financial statements users • Significant account is
ดัชนีอางอิง (Underlying) ไดแก iSTOXX® Global Transformation Select 30 NR Risk Control 10% Decrement 4% Index โดยมูลคาหรือจำนวนเงนิลงทุนในหุนกูที่มีอนุพันธแฝงนี้ (Notional Amount) ไมเกิน รอยละ 20