Bridge Siam Syndicate Technology Co.,Ltd. (Head Office) GS January 16, 2018 Within 180 days after receving the letter to start Laying 900mm pipe to send tap water for about 700meters in the area beside
days after receving the letter to start working Laying 900mm pipe to send tap water for about 700meters in the area beside Sarasin Bridge between Phang-Nga and Phuket (only the part under the sea) 11
result, the Company is required to disclose the information memorandum on entering into such transaction to the Stock Exchange of Thailand (the “SET”) and to send a circular letter to the shareholders of
Notification of Acquisition or Disposal of Assets. As a result, the Company is required to disclose the information memorandum on entering into such transaction to the SET and to send a circular letter to the
, has unan 94 and 6117 al land area Tambon M o NML Co. g assigned form any ac and negot nt, applicat nd Building f Lands, Lan propriate, a and Building e: the transa n dated 13 ferring of th he Company
| - |- Approval & Qualifications (Section 103, 104) |- Auditors |- Reporting Requirements |- Fees |- Related Circular Letter IP/FG |- Appoint/Approval/Code of conducts and Standard Practices |- Reporting |- Fees
construction projects that are being completed. In some projects, the owners have delayed in the work area handover which prohibit the work. The construction area handover is expected to commence and the work
Meeting”). The Meeting has approved the significant resolution as follow; The Meeting has approved the Company dispose the land of K.C. Park Ville (Zone B) total of 4 title deeds with total area 24 Rai 2
No. 4/2020 of Indorama Ventures Public Company Limited (“IVL” or the “Company”) held on 13th May 2020, has approved the granting of financial support by way of providing guarantee or Standby Letter of
meeting appointment letter to the committee not less than seven (7) days before the meeting except the case of urgent meeting to preserve company’s benefit, then, the meeting appointment will be sent to the