reduction of its massive balance sheet. The Fed is expected to allow maturing US Treasuries and mortgage-backed securities to roll off gradually, while not exceeding the cap limit determined by the Fed, and
. All of these prompted private investment to grow at a decelerating pace in tandem. Meanwhile, hefty household debt put a cap on private consumption, and income and employment, especially in export
-Wallet application as an added e-payment channel for our Multi-Corporate Business clients. Large Corporate Business KBank emphasizes the importance of enhancing our employees’ knowledge and understanding
Lending Limit (SLL) framework and Basel Pillar 2 credit concentration guideline. As of December 31, 2017, large borrower concentration was within the established limit. Industry concentration has been
cap on private spending, which may lead to rising risk in the future. Moreover, heightened risk from the global economy, including Thailand – coupled with digital disruption – negatively impacted
หุน้บริษัทขนาดใหญ่ในสหรฐัอเมริกา (Large- capitalization U.S. equities) จ านวน 500 บริษัท จดัท าโดย S&P Dow Jones Indices LLC และใชม้ลูค่าหลกัทรพัย์ ตามราคาตลาดท่ีปรับดว้ยขอ้มูลการกระจายหุน้ใหแ้ก่ผูถื้อ