considering the detailed information of the REIT, including the appropriateness for the investment and relevant risks. The effectiveness of this Registration Statement does not mean, in any way, that the
excess of US$ 26 trillion. ICGN Principles and Guidance are therefore substantively developed from an investor perspective, while taking into account other parties including companies, professional
sufficient information for use in investment decision making, and the nature and presentation of said information shall be in accordance with the following rules: (1) The language shall be easy to understand
compliance of the Notification of the Capital Market Supervisory Board No. TorChor. 12/2554 (2011) Re: Rules, Conditions and Procedures for the Acquisition of Securities for Business Takeovers (including the
/pubdocs/pdf/IOSCOPD323.pdf. A-3 contemplated that a variety of mechanisms could be used, including both market mechanisms and regulation. The following Code of Conduct Fundam 4 These measures are the
investment strategy. This includes risk classification. b) Risk management processes: Describe process of managing (i.e. mitigate, transfer, accept, control) climate-related risks, including prioritizing them
/starttogrow) for SMEs, Startups and interested public. The presentation and functionality of this microsite focus on the simplicity and nice-looking features and contains easy to understand contents. It is
; and (d) the legal advisers to the offer (if any). D. Auditors 1. Provide the names, addresses and professional qualifications (including any membership in a professional body) of the issuer’s auditors
investors to carefully and prudently study the information from the complete version of summarized significant features of securities (Fact Sheet) to clearly understand the product and appraise own risk
reports to give analysts and investors enough information to analyze the funds. They are also required to improve information provided in the factsheet to make it concise and easy to understand so that