purchasing or selling orders from customers outside its head office or branch offices unless otherwise specified by the Office; (7) purchase or hold shares, except: (a) those acquired in the course of
ตรวจสอบไดค้รบถว้น และเสนอรายงานต่อคณะกรรมการของผูป้ระกอบธุรกิจไดท้นัรอบการประชุมของคณะกรรมการ ซ่ึงมีค่อนขา้งจ ากดั 1.2 การขยายกรอบระยะเวลาการแจง้การแต่งตั้งและการส้ินสุดการแต่งตั้ง head of compliance ให
economy growth in 2019, the slowdown of Government’s energy Saving programs promoting the replacement of conventional lamps to LED and the delays of sales revenue recognition resulting from product
impact on the clearing system. Please be informed that the SEC Office has now completed the One-For-All- Reporting System (OFAR) as a new channel for submitting the daily status report in replacement of
impact on the clearing system. Please be informed that the SEC Office has now completed the One-For-All- Reporting System (OFAR) as a new channel for submitting the daily status report in replacement of
impact on the clearing system. Please be informed that the SEC Office has now completed the One-For-All- Reporting System (OFAR) as a new channel for submitting the daily status report in replacement of
Midfield Satellite Building at Suvarnabhumi International Airport and part of The New Parliament Building to Q4/2019, as well as a slowdown in LED replacement energy saving programs from both Government and
3, 2014 which has been promulgated in replacement of the said two notifications.
Personnel of Business Operators in the Capital Market dated June 3, 2014 which has been promulgated in replacement of the said two notifications.
Notification of Capital Market Supervisory Board No. TorLorThor. 8/2557 re: Regulations for Personnel of Business Operators in the Capital Market dated June 3, 2014 which have been promulgated in replacement of