Customer (KYC), fit and proper personnel, standard sales process, management of customers’ digital assets and related data, and capital adequacy. There are also new provisions about the accountability of the
Customer (KYC), fit and proper personnel, standard sales process, management of customers’ digital assets and related data, and capital adequacy. There are also new provisions about the accountability of the
33.31 million, other income decreased Bath 45.13 million because profit sharing from investment in BBF decreased at the amount of Baht 46.65 million due to crude palm oil price drop resulting in decrease
.""Scammers usually try to lure investing public with a variety of ways. Mostly found today is soliciting general public to invest in derivatives on gold and crude oil, for instance, with unreal return of
securities or derivatives investment based on the value of the underlying asset such as gold price/crude oil price/agricultural products by an unlicensed company. ● Information of
price of TASCO’s share which was the fact that TASCO would wind down its crude oil procurement of Venezuela by the end of November 2020, as a result, the company’s asphalt refinery in Kemaman, Malaysia
Crude Palm Oil Trading Business Group 1. Revenue from sales and services - CPOA CPOA business of the Company in the amount of 303.33 million baht due to the capital increase as working capital in CPOA
price of crude and finished product to make its downward trend. With demand for fuel consumption declining across the globe, combined with the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries [ OPEC] and
สหรฐัฯ ต่อบำรเ์รล ปรบัลดลง 1.13 เหรยีญสหรฐัฯ ต่อบำรเ์รล เมื่อเทยีบกบั Q3/2560 จำกแรงกดดนัจำกอุปทำนน ้ำมนัเตำทีเ่พิม่ขึน้จำกกำรผลติและสง่ออกน ้ำมนัดบิชนดิหนกั (Heavy crude) ของกลุ่มโอเปก เพื่อชดเชยอุปทำนที
of the virus has caused demand for consumption of fuel around the world to decline with significance. This factor is putting pressure on the price of crude and finished product to drop significantly