holidays in April so sale representative cannot work on the job. While the cost of and sales and services was 233.01 million baht in Quarter 2/2018 compare to cost of sales and services was 229.92 million
sustainability when working with communities • Designing activities that ensure tourists pollute less while travelling Economic impact • Stimulating economic growth and job creation in local communities by
ในบริษัท / Job Title ข้าพเจ้าขอรับรองว่าข้อความข้างต้นเป็นจริงทุกประการ / I hereby certify that the above information is complete and true in all respects. ยืนยันการลงทะเบียน / Register กำลังตรวจสอบ
member. The programs could be conducted in various forms such as seminars, study visits, secondment (recruiting Cambodian personnel to work at the SEC) or on-the-job training. In addition, the two
be a job description explaining duties and responsibilities of each unit and position. 3. There should be a clear segregation between the unit with investment management function and the unit with back
be a job description explaining duties and responsibilities of each unit and position. 3. There should be a clear segregation between the unit with investment management function and the unit with back
medical treatments when compared to income from medical treatments went up 1.94% from CMR a subsidiary went up 3.73% due to expending employment increase and depreciation of building is increasing. The cost
which stipulate additional compensation rates in the case of employers terminating employment for employees who have worked for 20 consecutive years or more, they are entitled to compensation of not less
national employment system and students. In addition, long-term savings tools for specific professions, such as direct sales, will be developed and more varieties of investment channels will be created to
Securities has terminated Pisist's employment since 1 April 2016.In order to prevent deception and damage, investors are strongly advised to examine documentation related to money transfers and securities