handling cyber threats. The activities include stakeholder training, cybersecurity planning and cyber drills. The whole process is expected to help the involving parties lay out their own appropriate and
information on their CFOs and accountants with regard to their education, accounting training and work experiences.The new qualification criteria would build a robust foundation for qualified CFOs and
give support by proving various forms of training so that the listed companies can apply CG Code in a more practical way and suitable to their organizational contexts
accordance with the specified qualifications and prohibited characteristics. In addition, the revised rules require directors and managers of securities and derivatives business operators to pass training
โมง สามารถดูรายช่ือสถาบนัจดัอบรมหลกัสูตร refresher ไดท่ี้ https://www.set.or.th/th/education-research/education/professional/training/public-training-provider 2. ด ารงสถานภาพ * เป็นผูจ้ดัการกองทุน (FM
rules, conditions, and procedures for appointment and conduct of fund manager; (9) “Training Institute” means training institutes accepted by the Office; (10) “Unit-linked life insurance policy” means an
procedures for appointment and conduct of fund manager; (9) “Training Institute” means training institutes accepted by the Office; (10) “Unit-linked life insurance policy” means an insurance policy issued by
procedures for appointment and conduct of fund manager; (9) “Training Institute” means training institutes accepted by the Office; (10) “Unit-linked life insurance policy” means an insurance policy issued by
mains, electricity and gas supplies, collection and treatment of wastewater and solid waste, commercial premises, and playgrounds). Education and vocational training Projects concerning education
medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in business and industrial sectors to access the Thai capital market and adapt to digital transformation, and will join the group efforts in organizing training to