. Effective enforcement would increase investor confidence and reduce regulator’s costs in relation to examination for the evidence to prove beyond a reasonable doubt. 3. Class action lawsuits would lower the
taxonomies/classifications Strengthening of government policy and legislation These shifts are likely to lead to: - Increased accountability, transparency - A red line under impact-washing related challenges
Activities 381 225 191 148 N/A N/A Red Activities >381g >225g >191g >148g >50g >50g Note: all thresholds are subject to review every three to five years in accordance with new data and technological
เว็ปไซตของ ICMA เปนฉบับทางการของคาํแปลฉบับนี ้เอกสารฉบับนี้เปนคําแปลฉบับไมเปนทางการและจัดทําขึน้เพือ่เปนขอมูลอางอิงประกอบเทานั้น For the avoidance of doubt, the English language version of the
by the intermediary . Clause 10 In case of doubt whether or not the assets segregated and managed by the SEC Office are clients’ assets , the SEC Office shall settle such assets with the official
by the intermediary. Clause 10 In case of doubt whether or not the assets segregated and managed by the SEC Office are clients’ assets, the SEC Office shall settle such assets with the official
by the intermediary. Clause 10 In case of doubt whether or not the assets segregated and managed by the SEC Office are clients’ assets, the SEC Office shall settle such assets with the official
to verify the transactions. This raised doubt whether such transactions were executed as truly intended by the clients. In addition, a certain share transfer from a client account was found to be
transactions with such clients without calling the original number or pursuing any other means to verify the transactions. This raised doubt whether such transactions were executed as truly intended by the
ns - net of cu net of curren Analysis, Q3/2 mited or 31.9% ollection bus rative Expe red expense 2 million ba red to the s salary from g expenses ent of Financ s es sts o customers eceivable uipment