, the Company aims to diversify some marketing risk and to improve product quality to be accepted for international standard level. For the year 2018, it will be a challenging year for the Company to
. It was still challenging for telecom sector particularly in the mobile business due to weak consumer spending and revenue loss from traveler sector due to international travel restriction. Fixed
mobile industry has remained competitive as low-priced unlimited prepaid plans continue to dilute ARPU. Overall, pricing environment in prepaid market segment remained challenging to improve ARPU as
our 3 key foundations in Autonomous Network, IT Intelligence, and Data Analytics to drive growth across our core business areas. • Mobile revenue to grow despite a challenging competitive landscape
person to access to the record. [M] Change Management. Objective . Change Management have an objective for rendering the developed or altered computer system having the correct and complete integrity which
Management. Objective . Change Management have an objective for rendering the developed or altered computer system having the correct and complete integrity which satisfies the need of the user, and reducing
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ก าหนดสิทธิ + ร่างสัญญาแต่งตัง้ผู้แทนผู้ถือหุ้นกู้ ส่ง feature ตราสาร ยกเว้นตราสารระยะสัน้ ให้ปฏิบตัิดงันี ้ - บนัทกึใน IPOS โดยไมต้่องสง่ hard copy หรือ - บนัทกึ feature ในขัน้ตอนจดัท ารายงานผล การ
decrease 11 Million Baht. Gross Profit for DDUS was 260 Million Baht representing 7% decrease in gross profit versus prior year due to a challenging US retail environment higher food costs, changing product
or 45% of revenue which slightly decrease 11 Million Baht. Gross Profit for DDUS was 260 Million Baht representing 7% decrease in gross profit versus prior year due to a challenging US retail