the information contained in this registration statement and enclosures hereto. I/We hereby certify that all of the aforementioned documents contain the information which is correct, accurate, and
statement and enclosures hereto. I/We hereby certify that all of the aforementioned documents contain the information which is correct, accurate, and complete in all respects. I/We also certify further that
registration statement and enclosures hereto. I/We hereby certify that all of the aforementioned documents contain the information which is correct, accurate, and complete in all respects. I/We also certify
documents contain the information which is correct, accurate, and complete in all respects. I/We also certify further that the said documents neither contain any false or misleading statement in materiality
the information which is correct, accurate, and complete in all respects. I/We also certify further that the said documents neither contain any false or misleading statement in materiality nor omission
which must be corrected, and the root cause analysis for such errors. The study also proposes recommendations on important factors which play an important role in the accurate preparation of financial
Evolution Capital Public Company Limited Evolution Capital Public Company Limited (E), a securities issuer, shall prepare and submit the copy of accurate annual report for the year 2012 (Form 56-2
shares reached or passed a multiple of five percent of the total outstanding shares or the total number of voting rights of UKEM. She later filed the accurate report (Form 246-2) to the SEC Office on April
finance of Sky Tower Public Company Limited ("STOWER") at the time of the incident. He shall be liable for STOWER's failure to prepare and submit an accurate financial statement for the year
finance of Sky Tower Public Company Limited ("STOWER") at the time of the incident. He shall be liable for STOWER's failure to prepare and submit an accurate annual updated information