) % Producer and distributor of ready-to-drink milk, drinks 2,210.32 1,989.20 221.12 11.11 Immovable property business 18.54 12.73 5.81 45.64 Agriculture and dairy farm 60.17 59.91 0.26 0.43 Total 2,289.03
2022 2021 Increase (decrease) % Producer and distributor of ready-to-drink milk, drinks 628.05 506.76 121.29 23.93 Immovable property business 3.87 3.04 0.83 27.30 Agriculture and dairy farm 18.98 15.72
) % Producer and distributor of ready-to-drink milk, drinks 1,129.80 700.75 429.05 61.23 Immovable property business 18.80 18.77 0.03 0.16 Agriculture and dairy farm 57.42 63.53 (6.11) (9.62) Total 1,206.02
2020 2019 Increase (decrease) % Producer and distributor of ready-to-drink milk, drinks 503.55 200.54 303.01 151.10 Immovable property business 2.95 4.72 (1.77) (37.50) Agriculture and dairy farm 17.10
distributor of ready-to-drink milk, drinks 700.75 507.48 193.27 38 Immovable property business 18.77 13.77 5.00 36 Agriculture and dairy farm 63.53 43.45 20.08 46 Total 783.05 564.70 218.35 38 Contract
Increase (decrease) % Producer and distributor of ready-to-drink milk, drinks 200.54 167.60 32.94 19.65 Immovable property business 4.72 4.66 0.06 1.28 Agriculture and dairy farm 17.28 17.38 (0.10) (0.57
Bank; the Bank for Agriculture and Agricultural Cooperatives; the Joint Standing Committee on Commerce, Industry and Banking; the Federation of Thai SME; the Thai Venture Capital Association; the
business decreased 2.0% QoQ, mainly due to the seasonal factor let to an inconvenient of using services at the kiosk of customers, farming, the slowdown of the grassroots economy and also the increasing of
farming) ของแพลตฟอร์ม Decentralised Finance (DeFi) หรือโปรแกรม staking ของผู้ออกสินทรัพย์ดิจิทัลได้ง่ายขึ้น ▪ การแนะนำลูกค้าให้แก่ผู้ให้บริการ deposit taking & lending รายอื่น 4. ข้อยกเว้นในเรื่องการห้ามผู้
Column เพ่ิมประสิทธิภาพการใช้พลังงาน ลดการปล่อย GHG Community Biogas System from Pig Farming 5 projects Community Solar Cell System 17 projects Internal Carbon Price 20 USD per ton CO2e is used as ‘Shadow