HouseStyle 1 Report of the Acquisition or Disposition of Securities (Form 246-2) 1. The business’ name: WIIK PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED Securities Code: WIIK 2. Date of action resulting in reporting
. 2543 (2000) V. In the case of holding on behalf of other person(s) (please specify the name(s)): 1. 2. Total 3 10. For reporting in the event of the commencement or termination of status of a concert
commencement or termination of status of a concert party or the acquisition or termination of status of a juristic person under Section 258, please provide the information on the change of securities holding as
. For reporting in the event of the commencement or termination of status of a concert party or the acquisition or termination of status of a juristic person under Section 258, please provide the
. 2543 (2000) V. In the case of holding on behalf of other person(s) (please specify the name(s)): 1. 2. Total 3 10. For reporting in the event of the commencement or termination of status of a concert
the event of the commencement or termination of status of a concert party or the acquisition or termination of status of a juristic person under Section 258, please provide the information on the change
. 2543 (2000) V. In the case of holding on behalf of other person(s) (please specify the name(s)): 1. 2. Total 3 10. For reporting in the event of the commencement or termination of status of a concert
reporting in the event of the commencement or termination of status of a concert party or the acquisition or termination of status of a juristic person under Section 258, please provide the information on the
commencement or termination of status of a concert party or the acquisition or termination of status of a juristic person under Section 258, please provide the information on the change of securities holding as
Shares of Ministers Act, B.E. 2543 (2000) V. In the case of holding on behalf of other person(s) (please specify the name(s)): 1. 2. Total 3 10. For reporting in the event of the commencement or