to February 2019. For fatty alcohols market, natural fatty alcohols was being more competitive to synthetic fatty alcohols due to its price attractive as CPKO price which is the feedstocks to produce
because its price was more attractive than synthetic fatty alcohols price due to the decreasing of crude palm kernel oil price. Meanwhile, supply from natural fatty alcohols and synthetic fatty alcohols
the Company’s shares traded on the SET during the 7 consecutive business day prior to the date on which Board of Directors’ Meeting of the Company resolved to propose to the shareholders’ meeting to
the 7 consecutive business day prior to the date on which Board of Directors’ Meeting of the Company resolved to propose to the shareholders’ meeting to consider and approve the Issuance and Offering of
traded on the SET during the 7 consecutive business day prior to the date on which Board of Directors’ Meeting of the Company resolved to propose to the shareholders’ meeting to consider and approve the
(Eleven million) as per information memorandum on entering into the transaction for acquisition the Associate Company’s ordinary shares No.PorBor.050/2019 dated December 27, 2019. (3) Acquisition of
จุบันสําหรับปที่ยื่นแบบ 56 ดังกลาว - 7 - 5. การปรับปรุงแกไขเกณฑการยื่น filing ใหสอดคลองกบั ASEAN Debt Securities Disclosure Standards 5.1 สรุปรายการทีส่ําคัญในการเปดเผยขอมูลตาม ASEAN Debt
beginning of the issuer's last three financial years to the date of the prospectus. 7. Information concerning the material capital expenditures and divestitures currently in progress, including the
ทุน งบประมาณของหนวยงาน และรายรับรายจายของหนวยงาน 4. นโยบายและภาพรวมการดําเนินกิจการ 5. ลักษณะการดําเนินกิจการ 6. ทรัพยสินท่ีใชในการดาํเนินกิจการ 7. ปจจัยความเส่ียง 8. ขอพิพาททางกฎหมาย 9. ข
Public Company Limited No. 4 (U-W4) 7. Information Memorandum on the Asset Disposal of U City Public Company Limited The Board of Directors’ Meeting No. 10/2017 of U City Public Company Limited (the