term collaboration with World Bank to further strengthen audit oversight practices in the region.Audits play a crucial role in upholding the reliability of financial statements and investors? confidence
public and private organizations worldwide are pressing more emphasis on promoting investment for sustainable development, institutional investors have more roles to play as far as the ESG factors and
Goals (SDGs), the government cannot do it alone. It will require a shared responsibility and strong engagements of all stakeholders. Private sectors need to play a critical role in working hand in hand
which Thailand has comparative advantage. Providing an enabling condition that encourages growth of the said businesses will certainly help them to play the key role in adding value to products and
would play an important role in driving the economy in 4 ways or SEC-R which comes from sustainability, equality, competitiveness, and resilience,” said Dr. Santitarn. “In the future, capital market
ดังกล่าวก่อนใช้บริการด้วย (2) การห้ามผู้ https://www.sec.or.th/TH/Pages/News_Detail.aspx?SECID=10018 Behavioral finance to play a bigger role in mutual fund development asset management firms, and
awareness • Follow country’s policies, rules & regulations • Operate business in sustainable ways SUSTAINABLE FINANCE Roles toward The Roles We Play... 1 RESPONSIBLE CORPORATE CITIZEN FINANCIAL PROVIDER
prosperity of economies, societies, people and the planet. Institutional Investors play a key role in this regard. They have important investment management responsibilities to ensure delivery of sustainable
prosperity of economies, societies, people and the planet. Institutional Investors play a key role in this regard. They have important investment management responsibilities to ensure delivery of sustainable
(“Sustainability-linked Bond”) โดยผูอ้อกตรำสำรตอ้ง ยื่นค ำขออนญุำตก่อนกำรเสนอขำยในแต่ละครัง้ และผูไ้ดร้บัอนญุำตตอ้งปฏิบติัตำมเงื่อนไขกำรอนญุำต เก่ียวกบัตรำสำรดว้ย * กรณีเสนอขำย Sustainability-linked Bond ตอ้ง