4.2% 6.3% 15,981 16,418 (2.7)% Interbank and money market items 307 242 266 26.9% 15.4% 805 868 (7.3)% Contributions to the Deposit Protection Agency and Financial Institutions Development Fund 2,442
supporting investment decisions and investor protection measures. The SEC Office may prescribe conditions for the applicant or the approved person to comply with. Part 2 Filing of the Registration Statement
Protection Agency and Financial Institutions Development Fund 2,504 2,453 2,498 2.1% 0.2% 4,956 4,939 0.3% Debt issued and borrowings 1,533 1,530 1,279 0.2% 19.9% 3,063 2,606 17.5% Total interest expenses
(1.0)% Interest expenses Deposits 5,832 5,596 5,769 4.2% 1.1% 11,428 11,296 1.2% Interbank and money market items 237 375 573 (36.8)% (58.6)% 611 1,130 (45.9)% Contributions to the Deposit Protection
Protection Agency and Financial Institutions Development Fund 2,496 2,504 2,479 (0.3)% 0.7% 7,452 7,417 0.5% Debt issued and borrowings 1,519 1,533 1,358 (0.9)% 11.9% 4,582 3,965 15.6% Total interest expenses
investor protection. In any case, the SEC Office may specify conditions for the applicant to comply with. Clause 8 The SEC Office has the authority to grant an exemption for the disclosure of detailed
and non-financial business reporting. ICGN GUIDANCE ON INTEGRATED BUSINESS REPORTING 9 10 The ICGN recognises that there is a need to balance corporate disclosure with protection of commercially
. May 2017 o The Bangchak refinery temporarily shut down the Hydrogen Production Unit and the Hydrocracking unit, ensuring maximum safety, coinciding with refining strategy and the company’s new product
Distancing ทุกจุด 3) กำรตดิตำมเพื่อควำม ปลอดภัย (Safety Tracking) 4) กำรใส่ใจในควำมสะอำดทุกจุดสัมผัส (Deep Cleaning) และ 5) แนวทำงลดกำรสมัผัส (Touchless Experience) ซึง่มำตรกำร ดังกลำ่วสำมำรถเพิม่ควำมมั่นใจ
ใน 5 แกนหลัก กว่ำ 75 มำตรกำร ไดแ้ก ่1) กำรคัดกรองอย่ำงเขม้งวด (Extra Screening) 2) มำตรฐำน Social Distancing ทุกจุด 3) กำรติดตำมเพื่อควำมปลอดภัย (Safety Tracking) 4) กำรใสใ่จในควำมสะอำดทุกจุดสมัผัส