) (5) (2) 212% Net profit, before extraordinary items 130 145 79 491 279 76% Add: Non Operational/Extraordinary income/(expense) 167 (40) 5 124 180 (31)% Acquisition cost & pre-operative expense (7) (4
Company Limited is a non-operating holding company and a parent company of the financial business group, the financial business group consists of the following companies: LH Financial Group Public Company
)% (40) 17 (328)% Total tax on Inventory gains/(losses) 3 8 (3) (214)% (1) (2) (35)% Net profit, before extraordinary items 93 51 190 (51)% 700 555 26% Add: Non Operational/Extraordinary income/(expense
% Inventory gains (losses) (38) (78) 18 (311)% (40) 17 (328)% Total tax on Inventory gains/(losses) 3 8 (3) (214)% (1) (2) (35)% Net profit, before extraordinary items 93 51 190 (51)% 700 555 26% Add: Non
Limited is a non-operating holding company and a parent company of the financial business group, the financial business group consists of the following companies: LH Financial Group Public Company Limited
.) growth in private consumption supported by higher household income in both agriculture and non- agriculture sectors along with recovering consumer confidence; 2.) solid performance in the tourism sector
year, and from the provision of employee benefit for retirement, a non-recurring item classified under administrative expenses. Excluding the non-recurring items and the performance of residential
expansion in private investment that mainly resulted from spillovers from export-related activities. In addition, the development of the Eastern Economic Corridor (EEC) areas continues to progress, though
Non-retail Scheme เอกสารรับฟงความคิดเห็น คร้ังท่ี 2 เร่ือง การอนุญาตใหจัดตั้งและจัดการกองทุนรวมโครงสรางพื้นฐาน (infrastructure fund) จัดทําโดย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการกํากับหลักทรัพยและตลาดหลักทรัพย
สม 13. อัตราสวนการกูยมืเงนิ (borrowing limit) 13.1 กองทนุสามารถกูยืมเงนิหรือกอภาระผูกพนัได โดยตองจํากัดความรับผิดไว ไมเกินกวามูลคาทรัพยสินของกองทนุ (non-recourse debt) และผูถือหนวยลงทนุไม