standards, identifying new alternative channels to reach targeted client segment while maintaining an effective risk management and credit monitoring and control. For Private Banking, the goal is to grow the
and other countries travelling to Thailand. Not only that, it is a platform to create a new client base, generate higher income and profits to the group companies in the long term. Construction Period
from China and other countries travelling to Thailand. Not only that, it is a platform to create a new client base, generate higher income and profits to the group companies in the long term
alternative channels to reach targeted client segment while maintaining an effective risk management and credit monitoring and control. For Private Banking, the goal is to grow the business by capitalizing on
alternative channels to reach targeted client segment while maintaining an effective risk management and credit monitoring and control. For Private Banking, the goal is to grow the business by capitalizing on
, identifying new alternative channels to reach targeted client segment while maintaining an effective risk management and credit monitoring and control. For Private Banking, the goal is to grow the business by
, identifying new alternative channels to reach targeted client segment while maintaining an effective risk management and credit monitoring and control. For Private Banking, the goal is to grow the business by
ลักษณะที่ส ำคัญ ช่ือกองทุน (ภำษำไทย) : กองทุนเปิดธนชาต อีสทส์ปริง Global Green Energy ช่ือกองทุน (ภำษำอังกฤษ) : Thanachart Eastspring Global Green Energy Fund ช่ือย่อ : T-ES-GGREEN ประเภท : กองทุนรวมตราสารทุนต่างประเทศ ประเภทกองทุนรวมหน่วยลงทุน Feeder Fund อำยุโครงกำร : ไม่ก าหนด จ ำนวนเงินของโครงกำร : 12,000,000,000.00 บาท วันที่ได้รับอนุมัติให้จัดต้ังและจัดกำรกองทุนรวม : 14 สิงหาคม 2563 วันที่จดทะเบียนกองทุนรวม : 1 ธันวาคม 2563 ประเภทและนโยบำยกำรลงทุนของกองทุนรวม 1. ประเภทโครงกำร • กองทุนรวมตร...
exclude persons who are allocated as a result of their position as director, employee, or patron of the issuer. (b) prepare a summary report of securities allotment categorized by client groups, that are
, employee, or patron of the issuer. (b) prepare a summary report of securities allotment categorized by client groups, that are, those who have trading accounts and transactions with the securities