) amounted to Baht 5,177 million, reflecting actual profits from its normal operations. For Q4/2019 compared to Q3/2019, the Company’s net profit increased by Baht 252 million, although EBITDA decreased by
อัตราผลตอบแทน (Yield) จากการลงทุน Green bond เมือ่เปรียบเทียบกับการลงทุนในตราสารหนี้ทั่วไป (Conventional bond) หรือค่า Greenium1 1 Green bond premium or Greenium: the difference in yield between green
- $ +,". 1.2 #%# (consistency) ' $ $* $(6. 4% 4(0. (. * +Z"" 40' '"'$"'/+ 3( E%+,".++ 4% E +Z"0 (.* E.#% "R3 E%+,' E3++0' 0. 2. % #-!'# 4#%#3 (0 &+ $E /0.%0/ .(%41 (non-standard characteristics) 6
Reporting Standard on lease agreements (TFRS 16) and revenue from contracts with customers (TFRS 15). • Net foreign exchange losses: was recorded at THB 5 million in Q2/2020 while in Q2/2019, there was a
the decrease in selling and administrative expenses but also the better performance of GPSC’s power plants especially IRPC Clean Power Phase 1 whose main customer returned to operate as normal from the
instance, the agreement relating to right of first refusal with a price specified in advance, or [ii] the REIT having more than normal duties which a lessee should have at the end of the lease; (4) the
เอกสารรับฟงความคิดเห็น เลขท่ี อจต. 10/2561 เร่ือง การปรับปรุงหลักเกณฑเกี่ยวกับการเปดเผยขอมูลของผูออกตราสารหน้ี เพื่อใหสอดคลองกับ IOSCO standard และรองรับการประเมิน FSAP เผยแพรเมื่อวันที ่26
. However, the Company’s sales of B20 Diesel through the retail channel has doubled from the previous quarter after debuting the Hi-Diesel B20S which is of higher quality than the normal B20 Diesel. At the
adequate funding for its business operation and be able to resume its normal business operation and it is expected that the foregoing will enable the Company to generate revenues and profits in the future
other debts as mentioned above, the Company will have adequate funding for its business operation and be able to resume its normal business operation and it is expected that the foregoing will enable the