องบรษิัท โดยบรษิัทไม่มรีายการเกี่ยวโยงในรอบ ระยะเวลา 6 เดอืนทีผ่่านมา การค านวณสนิทรพัยท์ีม่ตีวัตนสุทธขิองบรษิทั (Net Tangible Asset : NTA) NTA* = สนิทรพัยร์วม – สนิทรพัยไ์ม่มตีวัตน – หน้ีสนิรวม – ส่วน
กันยายน 2562 (อางอิงจากตัวเลขงบการเงินฉบับลาสุด ท่ีผานการสอบทานจากผูสอบบัญชีแลว) 859,672,104 บาท ขนาดรายการเกี่ยวโยง ตอ สินทรัพยที่มีตัวตนสุทธิ (Net Tangible Assets) NTA 13.47% รายละเอียดการคํานวณ
equipment, goodwill, non-tangible assets, lease hold, deferred tax assets, withholding tax and other non-current assets. Note 3 Comprising income from rental fee received in advance, estimation of staff
investment in subsidiary companies and associated companies, real estate for investment, land, building and equipment, goodwill, non-tangible assets, lease hold, deferred tax assets, withholding tax and other
, goodwill, non-tangible assets, lease hold, deferred tax assets, withholding tax and other non-current assets. Note 3 Comprising income from rental fee received in advance, estimation of staff benefits
2 Comprising investment in subsidiary companies and associated companies, real estate for investment, land, building and equipment, goodwill, non-tangible assets, lease hold, deferred tax assets
securities, disclose the kind and priority of any lien securing the issue, as well as the principal properties or assets subject to the lien include a. the aggregate value of the tangible assets which have
company considers the volume of transactions, which the maximum volume shall be applied, on the following bases: (1) Net Tangible Assets (NTA) Western U Company Limited = 372.18 x 3,299,998/3,300,000 x 100
Weekly Market Capitalization Free Float (FF) = Total paid - up capital - Total stocks under strategic shareholder x 100 Total shares • Size is the natural logarithm of total tangible asset. • Corporate
agenda focus with importance of intangible capital in valuation ‒ IMF’s focus: the 10th IMF Statistical: Measuring the Tangible Benefits of Intangible Capital Topic increasingly critical in the economy