Reform Priorities in Asia: Taking Corporate Governance to a Higher Level Taking Corporate Governance to a Higher Level reform priorities in Asia 2011 REFORM PRIORITIES IN ASIA: TAKING CORPORATE GOVERNANCE TO A HIGHER LEVEL 2011 This work is published on the responsibility of the Secretary-General of the OECD. The opinions expressed and arguments employed herein do not necessarily reflect the official views of the Organisation or of the governments of its member countries. This document and any m...
economy, especially China, several other Asian countries and those of the European Union, showed signs of a slowdown during the second half of 2018 primarily due to concerns about the US-China trade dispute
into the grid. As for the company in Q2/2018, GPSC will have a maintenance shutdown according to the schedule especially the Sriracha Power Plant which will have several maintenance shutdown when
is expected to moderate to 3.8 percent on the back of slower exports amid several external challenges: uncertainties over US trade policies and retaliatory measures by major trading partners, the risk
2021. These investments would not only enhance business growth but also provide economic value added to EGCO. EGCO is satisfactorily competitive in power business which was resulted by several key
- denominated debt. Economic Outlook for 2020 In 2020, Thailand’s economic growth will likely slow to the range of 1.9 - 2.3 percent on account of several challenges. External factors include a sharp drop in
experience in the steel industry at the international level. Moreover, one of the Synergy team members, i.e. Sudhir Maheshwari, has successfully revived the financial status of several companies with a similar
from various sources but also maintain its competitiveness in the market based on several key success factors including, but not limited to : Human resources EGCO believes that personal growth will
EBITDA of THB 2,992 million. Performance softened partly as in Q1/2017 and Q4/2017 recorded several non-recurring items, such as interest income from income tax return, gain from selling of asset, and
% or THB 180 million. This was primarily attributable to the decrease in cash, cash equivalents and current investments of THB 281 million, which were mainly due to a several investments comprising of a