land purchase agreement on 15 November 2017 and and expects to complete the land transfer registration process by 28 February 2018 Objective of the Transaction : To acquire the property for factory
acquire the property for factory construction and equipment installation; the machinery for production line, and for warehouse and finished goods storage. Value of Consideration : 202,325,025.00 Baht in
172 buildings), achieving the year-end target to acquire 10 additional office buildings ahead of schedule. The Group also benefited from the ongoing momentum in the Outdoor media segment, which saw
Repayment of LT borrowings 7,789 Cash paid for acquire net asset from business acquisition 22 Cash increase 2,153 Total 40,127 Total 40,127 6 2Q19 MD&A Advanced Info Service Plc. 2019 MANAGEMENT OUTLOOK
implementation. Since then, the Company has started to gradually re acquire the old customers who had established alternative supply sources through competitors or resorted to cheaper imports. Overall Domestic HRC
acquire the hotel business in Europe and the remaining debt acquired through the EBT of UE. Net loss of the Company during the period was THB 132mn, as opposed to a net profit of THB 27mn in 1Q 2017. The
RATCH-Australia Corporation Limited On April 20, 2018, RH International (Singapore) Corporation Ptd. Limited, a subsidiary, entered into a Securities Sale Deed with Broadspectrum Pty Limited to acquire 20
) the full quarter recognition of finance costs of loans taken to acquire the hotel business in Europe of THB 54mn, Net loss of the Company during the period was THB 254mn, an increase of 56.2% YoY or THB
, entered into a share sales and purchase agreement to acquire ordinary shares in 12 companies in Germany and Switzerland with arcona Management GmbH. VHG II received operating lease rights of 17 existing
, Greenwing Energy B.V., a wholly owned subsidiary of EGCO, entered into the share purchase agreement to acquire a 25% ownership interest in Yunlin Holding GmbH (Yunlin) owned by Taiwan Offshore Holding GmbH