(Unofficial Translation) (c.2) Person in which the management company has held the share of such person (c.3) Person in which the director, the manager or the person with power of management of the management
management company . Chapter 3 Power of the SEC Office regarding Issuance of Orders or Regulations ___________________ Clause 16 In addition to the specific provisions hereof, the SEC Office is empowered to
shall arrange for the SEC Office to inspect the operation and evidentiary documentation relating to doing duties of the representative as designated by the management company. 11 Chapter 3 Power of the
400,000 tons. In the meantime, the measurements to stimulate domestic consumption of palm oil were rarely impact; for example, cooperating with EGAT to purchase crude palm oil as fuel for power generation
ง ค ว าม ร้ อ น ร่ ว ม Riau ในสาธารณรฐัอนิโดนีเซยี วนัที ่20 มนีาคม 2562 PT Medco Ratch Power Riau บรษิทัรว่มทุนทางออ้มทีบ่รษิทัฯ ถอืหุน้ในสดัสว่นรอ้ยละ 49 ผา่นบรษิทั อารเ์อช อนิเตอรเ์นชัน่แนล (สงิค
amounting of Baht 89.84 million and we start to recognize some revenue in this quarter moreover the Company still has carried on offering new products continuously which is an innovation of power saving in
bring back consumers’ purchase power for home repairs. Moreover, operators of modern construction material retail stores are still increasing the number of branches and group of project customers have
investment to power the turnaround of U City’s business. We’re encouraging growth in our hotel portfolio through both renovation of existing hotels and new operating leases of hotels to ensure that we benefit
Center of the Company. Building construction such as Printing plant, Warehouse, Distribution office, Chemical store, and Small power plant with average usable life of 13 years. Other constructions are
external factors, such as the overall domestic economic condition causing diminishing confidence and lower purchasing power, international trade war, and the appreciation of Thai Baht. The Company focused