เคร่ือง Auto Optical Inspection จ านวน 1 ชุด high speed placement จ านวน 5 ชุด เตาอบแบบ reflow oven 2 ชุด และ solder paste printer จ านวน 1 เคร่ือง อายกุารใชง้านประมาณ 8 ปี ใชไ้ปแลว้ 0.1 ปี วนัท ารายการ
improved from the same period of the previous year by THB 15 million, as it was a high season in Q1/2019, resulting in the increased wind speed within the project’s area. Management Discussion and Analysis
การแข่งขนัด้านราคาในตลาดโทรศพัท์เคลื่อนที่ปรบัตวัดีขีน้ เนื่องจากผู้ให้บรกิารต่างพยายามปรบัราคาแพก็เกจแบบใชง้านไม่จ ากดัด้วย ความเรว็คงที ่(Fixed-Speed Unlimited) เช่น การก าหนดปรมิาณดาต้าสูงสุดทีส่ามา
investors, industry, and government to catalyse investments at a speed and scale sufficient to avoid dangerous climate change. Climate Bond: A climate bond is a bond used to finance – or re-finance - projects
keep the policy interest rate unchanged at 1.50 percent, with the view that the Thai economy is expected to grow at a stronger pace while the impact of economic growth has yet to be translated to a broad
line with the continued economic slowdown, whereas overall consumer loan continued to grow at a high rate despite a slower growth in mortgage lending and auto loan, personal loan and credit card expanded
The management has strongly set its goal to grow sustainably. We would like to present the progress of the following projects; 1. Investment in online live streaming business The Company, through
a strategic partnership to grow their business and utilize both companies’ strengths in the global market. Total investment is at the amount of up to USD 100 million or equivalent to approximately
a strategic partnership to grow their business and utilize both companies’ strengths in the global market. Total investment is at the amount of up to USD 100 million or equivalent to approximately
consumption and public spending continued to grow from the previous quarter. Meanwhile, the private investment is on the path of recovery. As the growth of economics from the above mentions, the Thai economy