Company Limited. 64. Company’s seal, has a characteristic as follows; Company’s seal, has a characteristic as follows; 27. Regarding the committee meeting, the chairman or authorized person must send out
by WCIH, of which 50.17% shares held by E FOR L AIM Public Co., Ltd. “EFORL” and 49.83% shares held by minor shareholders. Relationship: -None- 3. General Characteristic, Type, and Size of the
Characteristic of the Transaction This transaction is the investment in the existing ordinary shares of SDWTP of 33,986,774 or equivalent to 34.00 percent as details in No.4 4. Details of the Acquired Assets The
460,000,000 19.78 3. General characteristic of the transaction The Company intends to sell 1 plastic fabric producing machine and 59 plastic sack weaving machines, which are used in the production of plastic
27,045,000 1.16 VAVA Pack Company Limited. Mr. Weerachart Lohsiri is major shareholder / Director / Authorized director of VAVA Pack Company Limited 460,000,000 19.78 3. General characteristic of the
5. Director of LTH 2.8 Source of Fund: Working Capital of the Company 2.9 Expected Benefits: Dividend 2.10 Characteristic of Connected Transaction: LTH is not considered a connected party, thus not a
characteristic under Clause 31(2) of the Notification No. Tor Lor Thor. 8/2557, as amended, she is, therefore, prohibited from performing duties as a branch manager with respect to the capital market business
หน้ีในลักษณะรายคร้ัง สง feature ตราสาร IPOS + upload เอกสารประกอบ Filing (69-Debt-PO) มีผล 1,5,10 วันทําการ (แลวแตกรณ)ี ขาย รายงานการไถถอน/ใชสิทธิ รายงานผลการขาย Online+Paper หรือ Paperless พรอม
SEC Classification : ใชภ้ายใน (Internal) 2. แนวทางการยืน่เอกสารหลักฐานและข้อมูลการเสนอขายตราสารหนี ้: 2.3 (1) แบบวงกว้าง (PO) ส ำหรบักำรเสนอขำยตรำสำรหนีใ้นลกัษณะรำยครัง้ ส่ง feature ตราสาร IPOS
. Pakporn Lohavibulkij doesn’t have any relation or connection to each other, and isn’t also a Related Party Transaction person together with the Company and the subsidiary. 4. Feature of the Transaction 4.1