of entering into the Sale and Purchase Agreement until 31 August 2025. 8.3 Before or on Completion Date, RPV and its subsidiaries shall obtain consents or any relevant waivers from Kasikorn Bank Public
shareholders attending the meeting and having the right to vote, excluding the votes casted by shareholders having an interest in the matter from the calculation base, and the Company is also required to obtain
transaction to the Stock Exchange of Thailand (“SET”), and convene the shareholders’ meeting in order to obtain the approval for the entering into such transaction with the votes of not less than three-fourths
execution date of the Agreement to sale and purchase shares. For the outstanding share price in the amount of THB 28,954,958.77 (calculated based on the Director’s Loan amount at THB 274,845,041.23) or any
debt securities offered or listed. 3. Provide information about the form of the security, such as whether investors can obtain physical certificates or whether their interests will be recorded via a book
2,609mn from 31 December 2017. This was largely due to (i) long-term loans from related parties and interest payables of THB 5,027mn, or the outstanding debt assumed from the EBT of UE, (ii) an increase in
Company Business Partners Debt amount * 243.02 million Baht Debt to Sales ratio** 7.56% Provision for allowance for doubtful accounts 100% of outstanding balance due to the debtor having overdue debt, due
payment for the first half of the year ending June 30, 2018 to shareholders of the Company for Baht 0.06 per share. The total number of outstanding shares entitled for the dividend is 4,554,643,575 shares
), representing 89.12% of the total issued and outstanding shares in Permata (the Transaction) in accordance with the resolution of the Board of Directors’ Meeting No. 12/2019, given on 11 December 2019. Each of
person more than fifty percent of the total voting rights of the outstanding voting shares; (b) an individual or a company holding shares in the company in (a) more than fifty percent of the total voting