องทนุรวมฟีด เดอร์ (Feeder Fund) ได้ โดยไม่ท าให้ระดบัความเส่ียงของการลงทุน (risk spectrum) เพิ่มขึน้ ทัง้นี ้ให้เป็นไปตามดุลยพินิจของ ผู้จดัการกองทุนซึง่ขึน้อยู่กบัสถานการณ์ตลาด โดยเป็นไปเพื่อประโยชน์
กองทนุรวมท่ีมีการลงทนุโดยตรงในตราสาร และ/หรือหลกัทรัพย์ต่างประเทศ หรือสามารถกลบัมาเป็นกองทนุรวมฟีด เดอร์ (Feeder Fund) ได้ โดยไม่ท าให้ระดบัความเส่ียงของการลงทุน (risk spectrum) เพิ่มขึน้ ทัง้นี ้ให้
operator’s proprietary trading shall arrange to have systems for administrative management and management of risk which could arise from such investment, at least in the manner in accordance with the guideline
operator’s proprietary trading shall arrange to have systems for administrative management and management of risk which could arise from such investment, at least in the manner in accordance with the guideline
operator’s proprietary trading shall arrange to have systems for administrative management and management of risk which could arise from such investment, at least in the manner in accordance with the guideline
Exchange Commission can manage risk or make arbitrage with trading of securities or derivatives relating to gold in foreign countries, it is therefore necessary to issue this Notification in order to monitor
Commission can manage risk or make arbitrage with trading of securities or derivatives relating to gold in foreign countries, it is therefore necessary to issue this Notification in order to monitor and
center licensed by the Securities and Exchange Commission can manage risk or make arbitrage with trading of securities or derivatives relating to gold in foreign countries, it is therefore necessary to
the amount of Baht 33.52 million as a result of the deduction in net retention and portion of high risk products. However, claim incurred net of reinsurance recovery, commission and brokerage expenses
appropriate and agreed by the borrower in order to mitigate the Company’s risk in relation to providing loan. Beside of 3 tenants who are connected persons, there are 2 tenants, Big Bad Wolf Company limited