% 2,402 2,658 11% Net foreign exchange gains (losses) (32) (2) (3) 50% (91%) 6 (4) n/a Provision for legal case - - (101) n/a n/a - (101) n/a Net profit 759 859 930 8% 23% 2,408 2,553 6% Non-controlling
144 152 6% 37% 346 517 49% Income tax expenses (22) (81) (66) (19%) 200% (140) (257) 84% Profit before FX & extraordinary items 466 1,034 786 (24%) 69% 2,868 3,445 20% Net foreign exchange gains (losses
. Secondly, the additional unrealised gains on investments in marketable securities was 148 million Baht. Thirdly, the effect from the translation adjustment of currencies to Thai Baht for offshore
million, decreased by 65% YoY and 87% QoQ, the majority attributed to non-recurring items. In Q1/2017, the company group realized gains from sales of Suimei Power Plant in the amount of THB 62 million, and
% 78% (110) (202) 84% Profit before FX & extraordinary items 861 1,074 1,168 9% 36% 1,624 2,242 38% Net foreign exchange gains (losses) (2) (21) 27 n/a n/a (1) 6 n/a Net profit 859 1,053 1,195 13% 39
) (49) (56%) (40%) (191) (251) 31% Profit before FX & extraordinary items 1,034 1,168 1,055 (10%) 2% 2,658 3,297 24% Net foreign exchange gains (losses) (3) 27 (18) n/a n/a (4) (12) n/a Legal reserved
Capital Gains Tax มีระยะเวลาของมาตรการ ถึง 30 มิถุนายน 2575 เป้าหมาย : เพ่ือส่งเสริมการระดมทุนในวิสาหกิจเริ่มต้น (Startup) ซึ่งประกาศลงในราชกิจจานุเบกษาเม่ือวันท่ี 14 มิถุนายน 2565 มีวัตถุประสงค์เพ่ือยกเว้น
still uncertain, and much depends on how the Phase One trade deal develops. Meanwhile, IMF forecasts that the global economy may grow 3.3 percent, down from the previous projection of 3.4 percent. Looking
uncertain timing of the Federal Reserve’s policy rate hikes, as well as geopolitical rifts on the Korean peninsula and ongoing Middle East tension. These factors caused the Baht’s value and Thai interest
Investor Strategies for Incorporating ESG Considerations into Corporate Interactions www.blackrock.com www.ceres.org Century21st Engagement Investor Strategies for Incorporating ESG Considerations into Corporate Interactions [ 5 ] FOREWORD The Value of Our Voice ......................................................................................................................................... 1 How ESG Megatrends Are Shaping Valuation ...........................................................