companies will be required to disclose additional information such as portfolio turnover ratio (PTR), trading costs, and trigger fund. The consultation paper is available on Stakeholders and
% -24% Reversal of allowance for gain/(loss) from impairment of assets (101) (78) - N/A N/A Share of profit (loss) of associate 18 324 92 422% -72% Profit before finance costs and income tax expense 3,035
, while implementing the plans that least affected the welfare and morale of the employees. The Company expects to reduce costs and expenses by 20% in 2020 compared to 2019. The Company foresees the
Printable Format - Laws and Regulations Securities Borrowing and Lending |- Fees (section 14 and 19) |- Major Shareholders |- Branch Office |- Net Liquid Capital (section 97) |- Capital Reduction
securities business | - |- Registration |- Paid up Capital |- Fees |- Net Liquid Capital Rule (Section 49) |- Executives / Personnel | - |- Approval & Qualifications (Section 24) |- Major Shareholders
ZipUp+, which is the service of Zipmex Pte. Ltd, and gained benefits from digital asset exchange fees. Additionally, such operation of Zipmex had no measure to protect the conflict of interest and to
account the public comments gathered from the previous hearing whereby the calculation of the fees on Thai government bond dealing activities would be revised to reduce the burden on bond dealers and
rules will apply to Form 56-1 to be filed with the SEC from January 1, 2013 onward. Reservation must be made by August 15, 2013 through facsimile no. 0-2263-6099 without any registration/attendance fees
Commission inquiring about the conditions, rules, and fees for applying a digital asset exchange license. The aforementioned actions by CoinEx and Mr. Puttipong are deemed to be conducting digital asset
Exchanges Commission inquiring about the conditions, rules, and fees for applying a digital asset exchange license. The aforementioned actions by CoinEx and Mr. Puttipong are deemed to be conducting digital