เหตุผล เนื1องจากเงินฝากประจาํอาจมี penalty หากไถ่ถอนก่อนกาํหนด ทาํให ้บลจ.ไม่ตอ้ง การไถ่ถอน ในขณะที1เงินฝากเพื1อการดาํเนินงานไม่ไดมี้วตัถุประสงคเ์พื1อการลงทุน จึงมีวตัถุประสงคแ์ตกต่างกนั (5) ควรอนุญาตให้
administrative expenses was professional fee, penalty and surcharge and additional cost related to employee’s retirement program according to the new Labor Protection Act. Finance Costs Finance costs consist of
to a penalty per established conditions. 3. To enhance efficiency in reorganization of debtors in general, the amended law facilitates them to lodge a petition for reorganization to the court without
have the duty to disclose the information relating to any violation and penalty imposed on such person who commits an offence under this Emergency Decree, including any other information obtained in the
for the account of the SEC Office. Section 15. To protect the public interest or investors, the SEC Office shall have the duty to disclose the information relating to any violation and penalty imposed
Annual Report 2009 1 Annual Report 20092 Over the past year, the Thai economy experienced a recession for the first time since the Asian economic crisis in 1997. The first quarter saw a 7.1 percent contraction as a result of sluggish export in the midst of global financial crisis, diminishing demand of domestic private sector, and lack of confidence in economic and political directions. All these factors played out against a backdrop of weakening economies of our trade partners worldwide, which...
, the SEC does not have prosecutorial powers, but may refer criminal cases to the Department of Special Investigations (DSI) in the Ministry of Justice. This can be a source of delay as the DSI will
1%. • Progress of Corporate Income Tax penalty assessment from the Revenue Department GPSC has been assessed by the Revenue Department for the Corporate Income Tax in respect to 1999 and 2000 revenues
million, loss from write-off asset in the amount of Baht 1.66 million, unredeemed input tax in the amount of Baht 1.50 million, and the rest is expense not deductible and stipulated penalty. Moreover
of the annual general meeting; (2) there shall not be any provision which requires the REIT to be liable for any penalty or damage incurred [i] from the failure of the REIT manager to disclose accurate